Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


at the dev site i have only 5 plugins active (see image) but in gmetrix (see image) the variation swatches are slow with loading
no cache active, i am on the live site still on version 1.18 because of the performance. can you help me with this?




Erwin Krijgsman

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Server requests depend on product variations and quantity. If your archive/home page has 30 products and each product has 5 variations so 30*5 = 150 server requests.

In our latest version, we cache the data for 1 hour and if a visitor hit the URL it will hit your server once, then data will be cached and data will be served from the locale.

Please reduce the product number on the first load. Basically, we suggest 15 products on the first load, then use infinite scroll to load more products.

Also, you can enable object cache from your server if there has an option for object cache.

Thank you.