Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


When I activate Additional Variation Images Gallery, the website performance drops a lot. It consumes a lot of CPU.

Can you please check urgently?

Thank you,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Francisco,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

We can give you a staging site to replicate your issue. Will you help us to replicate your issue on our staging site?

or, Do you have a staging site like your production site environment?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Francisco,

Thanks for sharing the link. Unfortunately, the link is displaying a white screen. Please check this screenshot- https://prnt.sc/v853nkmtgrg0

From my inspection, your server is slow to respond. At the time of my first response, the login page took 11s to load.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Francisco,

Are you using any CDN services?

Will you please disable the CDN service for a test?

Please also check if your server has a caching facility or not. If so, will you please enable the server-side caching? It will reduce the load time.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You