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Does the pro version allow for Shortcodes and post ID?

Alan Gunning

hi there,

I’m trying to find a swatches plugin that I can use with WPGridbuilder.  The developer advised that if the plugin uses shortcodes and post ID it would be possible to use on the grid results.  This is what they have suggested:


if the plugin comes with shortcode to display swatches and the shortcode accepts the post ID as an attribute, it will work in the Raw Content block of the card builder.
In this case you will be able to pass the post ID in the shortcode attribute like this: [shortcode_tag post_id="{{ post.id }}"]
Where the code {{ post.id }} allows to get the current post ID in a card.

Can you advise if possible with the pro version?

Golam Kibria

Hi Alan,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, we have a shortcode to display swatches.

You use it like:

[wvs_show_archive_variation product_id="ID"]

Thank You