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Dashicon arrows not displaying


We use both Additional Variation Images Gallery For WooCommerce and Variation Swatches For WooCommerce on our website.

The dashicons are now displaying, I have tried to add a snippet to ensure the font is loading on the site, but no content for the arrows on the gallery slider are displayed.

If you check this URL:


You can see the navigation arrows are not loading on the gallery.

I inspected the page source and can see its nested under class=”woo-variation-gallery-slider”, hence the ticket.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Igor,

Thanks for reaching out to us. You have overwritten the font-family by giving !important.

So, it is not loading correctly. Please use !important where it is needed. Please check this screenshot- https://prnt.sc/uEYfMpOuRtIS

I have unchecked the font-family and the arrow icons are displaying fine.

I hope it will clear up your confusion.

Thank You