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Variation Swatches Plugin – Critial Error on Product page

I am using a theme called Thrive Architect to run my WooCommerce store, and the Variation Swatches plugin is causing a critical error when it is enabled.

When I disable it, the product pages are normal looking again, but then the “variation swatch” feature is no longer enabled on these pages.

I’ve included a screenshot with a side-by-side comparison: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bix6vzibb566vl/Explaination-of-Variation-Swatches-Plugin.jpg?dl=0

Thank you for your assistance in troubleshooting this.



Golam Kibria

Hi Brandon,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

You had to update both the basic and the premium version of the plugin.

Will you please check if you have the issue now?

Thank You