Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Layout issue on single product page

Toygar Niron


We replaced the website we prepared for our customer with the old one. However, your plugin has hidden the variation fields on the single product page. The user is no longer able to select a size. Everything was working fine on our developer site. We have temporarily disabled your plugin. How we can solve this problem?

Thank you


Golam Kibria

Hi Toygar,

Did you try deactivating our plugin?

Does the default drop-down of WooCommerce show up if you deactivate our swatches plugin?

Thank You

Toygar Niron

Hello Golam,

Yes, I can try disabling and re-enabling. But this did not bring a solution to the problem.

If I disable the default WooCommerce dropdown setting, a strange image appears that I haven’t seen before.

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Toygar,

I can see that you have the issue with our plugin being deactivated too.

There can be an issue with the product configuration.

Working | Not Working

Thank You

Toygar Niron

Hello Golam,

It was working fine on our developer site. Are you saying I can’t use the plugin? I don’t quite understand your answer 🙂

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Toygar,

Sorry for the misunderstanding. The plugin should work just fine.

Right now, the issue seems to be with the product configuration.

Did you import the products (How did you import them)?

Thank You

Toygar Niron

Hello Golam,

We made the website on our own server (dev.domian.com), at which point everything was working fine. Then we moved it to our client’s website (domian.com) and ran into this issue. We did the migration with the “All In One Migration” plugin that we always use. Can we fix this problem?

We use the same procedure for all our customers. We’ve never had a problem like this before.

Thank you

Toygar Niron

Hello Golam,

Thank you very much for your support. We use your plugin on many of our clients. We were expecting a lifetime license on Cyber Monday but it didn’t happen 🙂

Everything seems fine now. You are awesome!

Thank you for yoru support