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Main image and thumbnails are out of sync

gil halfon

When selecting a small gallery image the main image displays an incorrect image.

I would appreciate your help

Golam Kibria

Hi Gil,

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com

It helps me to quickly figure out the issue and squash it immediately.

Thank you

Golam Kibria

Hi Gil,

Can you please give us temporary admin access to your site? We’ll try to investigate the issue for you.

You can add new users by going to Users > Add New set the user and password for us, set the role to admin and set the info here.

And add your site URL, login username, and password in the site login area. Follow this guideline: https://www.useloom.com/share/27c1f2ac633c4060b2da883d946107d7

Hope to hear from you soon!

Golam Kibria

Hi Gil,

I tried to investigate the issue on your site but there are some limitations.

It seems that the health-check plugin does not work on your site.

It will be better if you can manage a staging copy of your site (we need to run a plugin compatibility test).

I will wait for your response.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Gil,

You are always welcome.

Is there anything else we can do for you now?

Thank You