Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

No X out on Out of Stock Item

Luke Finsaas

Hi folks,

The plugin is working everywhere (showing X over out of stock variation) — except products with a lot of variations, it seems.

Check this out: https://jaxengrey.com/product/no-sweat-slim/

Is there a limitation on how many variations the plugin can handle? This product has 300 variations. Or is there something else going on?



Golam Kibria

Hi Luke,

Please try adding the following snippet to your child theme’s functions.php file

add_filter( ‘woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max’, ‘woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit’, 10, 2 );

function woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit( $size, $product ){
return 700;

Let me know if the issue is resolved.

Thank You