Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Drop down showing in category page when Image/Color Type is selected

Erica Goodman


I have been using the free version of your plug in for a little while now, and had the variation swatches working okay, with the boxes of the colors showing in the category and product pages, for options.

All of a sudden, it seemed that I was having a drop down menu come up instead of the actually swatches (boxes of colors).

I checked the docs, and reset the Type under the attributes. I did a small test, changing from the Color type to the Image type (as I have some elements that DO need images… also this was working before even though I had it set on Color… my images have since disappeared).

The test was semi successful as it showed the boxes again in the product page, but not on the category pages.

Also checked in the Customizer and that seemed to be okay too.

Thanks for the help.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Erica,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Displaying Swatches on the Shop/Archive page is a premium feature of our plugin.

You are using the feature of Rey Theme- https://prnt.sc/2Yp0plABb7VA

Please contact theme support regarding this issue.

Thank You

Erica Goodman

Ohhh sorry about that, thank you for checking in on this for me!

Perhaps we will also look into the premium version, finally.

Thank you,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Erica,

Thanks for understanding. Is there anything I can help with?


Can I close this ticket?

Thank You