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Variation Size dropdown on all pages where is product archive/single product


I would love to have a dropdown option to select Size on all archive / single product pages, where the product has multiple sizes. And in this sizes dropdown, I want to see all sizes no matter if they are or are not in stock. (Out of stock sizes in red)


Best regards

Hi Rezwan,

I adjusted two attributes on archive page.

But please can you help me with adjusting my swatches.

On my archive pages I have two attributes shown, color and size. On archive pages, variation photo doesnt change if I select color, on product page it works properly – when I change color, photos changes properly.

Also, I want to show my customers sizes or colors that we dont have in stock (buttons crossed, sizes in dropdown in red or faded), so that they can order it, and they need to be clickable because of back in stock request.

Thank you for your help.

Rezwan Shiblu

On my archive pages I have two attributes shown, color and size. On archive pages, variation photo doesnt change if I select color, on product page it works properly – when I change color, photos changes properly.

=> Video: https://www.loom.com/share/d4d839be6138426d855f8c7c8064fd24

Also, I want to show my customers sizes or colors that we dont have in stock (buttons crossed, sizes in dropdown in red or faded), so that they can order it, and they need to be clickable because of back in stock request.

=> Video: https://www.loom.com/share/b47d178eb92343049df8350a4bc11dee

Hopefully, this will helps.
