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Last two images coming in the begining

murali kumar


The last two images are coming up before the first images.  Which is frustrating.. Please let me know, how we can fix it.

Here is the URL to check https://eternityletter.com/product/how-to-make-a-wish-positive-energy-gifts-inspirational-keychains-keepsakes-motivational-cards-letter/?attribute_finish=Rose-Gold+Tone+Finish

murali kumar

thanku .

can you please help wirh another issue

. i want to display the images in 4 columns, which is working fine. but not in the correct order. the rows should be 1,2,3,4,

like that.

but now ,21,2,3 are in the first column.please help


murali kumar

Here is the image for reference.  The images are stacking one after another. but we need 1,2, 3, 4 images in first row, 5,6,7,8 in second row and so on..

Can you please help achieve it?

Golam Kibria

Hi Murali,

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available.

Please add a feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

Thank You

murali kumar

You had it correctly in version 1.2.6 But you changed something in 1.3.

murali kumar

Can you please initiate refund as the requirement of reordering images properly like older version is very necessary.

Golam Kibria

Hi Murali,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

There are some limitations with the slick slider that our plugin use for sliding the images.

Will you please share your order number here?

We need this to process your request.

Thank You

Ahmed Ehsaan

Hi murali,

I’ve refunded your purchase! Hopefully, we can help you next time.

Thank You