Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Angela Tatli

Hello support from getwooplugin, I have already asked 3x about adapting the getwooplugin plugin. I don’t know why it didn’t work, because I didn’t get any message from you.
The buttons in the first row have pictures, the pictures have to go and the text from the product has to go in. I would also like the price in a button.
And at the bottom of other products you can see the buttons for the variations, they should go.

See the screenshotScreenshot getwoo1.jpgScreenshot getwoo2.jpg
I hope it works.
If you need access to my site here the data
Username: angelatatli
Password: Blauerfux11

Admin Anmeldung: https://b2wnuxrs.myraidbox.de/wp-login.php?loggedout=true&wp_lang=de_DE

My website is not yet published.

Kind regards
Angela Tatli

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching us.

1. Could you elaborate on no pictures just product normal?

2. This is not a feature of the out plugin. You can design buttons by doing custom CSS code.

3. Please add the below CSS at Customizer > Additional CSS for hiding variation for related products only.

section.related.products ul.variations {
    display: none;


Angela Tatli

Thank you for your reply and information.
1. There are paintings that are sold with 2 different variants. One is a photo print on paper and the other is the photo print behind acrylic glass, these two variants have different formats. It should be practical so that the customer recognizes that he has to click on one of the two top buttons to make the product selection and then click on the formats below to find out the price. The pictures on the buttons say nothing, you can’t tell that button 1 is the photo print on paper and button 2 is the photo print behind acrylic glass. What are the possibilities with the plugin. Or do you have another suggestion how to arrange these products with your plugin.

2. Is it possible to change the font of the description and make the price larger and centered so that the price stands out a little?

I tried to upload a screenshot but it wasn´t possible.



Rezwan Shiblu


1. Currently. it’s not possible to do exact same  but you can try to do a combination with multiple attributes like – https://prnt.sc/IU4mxFZVtsyi

2. Yes, it’s possible by custom CSS code but as I said it’s not a feature of our plugin for designing a price button. You can hire a WordPress designer/developer for it. We offer support only for our plugin features and issues.

3. You can upload your screenshot here – https://prnt.sc/

Thanks for your understanding.