Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Image not showing

Craig McKee

I have just bought this and am setting up a product (https://services4landlords.co.uk/product/room-carpet/).  Originally the image appear under Quality and I don’t want it to do that, I want it to appear under Style so I have amended the settings

but this is happening with no image showing

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have changed the settings for you.

Please check now and let me know whether you wanted this or not.

Thank You

Craig McKee

Hi, thank you – what was the problem?

Also, could you please tell me if it is possible to align these so they look a little better?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

what was the problem?

I have already given a screenshot link- https://prnt.sc/6vSgdMchzUHh in my previous reply (linked with this text- changed the settings).

Also, could you please tell me if it is possible to align these so they look a little better?

Can you please give an example of how you want them?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Craig McKee

Thank you – so they’re aligned in centrally rather than one sitting higher than the other.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Please add the below CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

.single.woo-variation-swatches ul.variable-items-wrapper {
   justify-content: center;

Then let me know if you wanted something like this or not. Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Craig McKee

Sorry, that’s not what I meant.  In the image I shared, I would like Quality: Hard Wearing to look like they are on the same line.  The Hard Wearing part is sat above the line.

It is the same with the underlay option and the style

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Can you please give us a screenshot?

Please upload your screenshot here- https://prnt.sc/ and post the screenshot link directly on this thread.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the screenshot. You can try the below CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

.woo-variation-swatches.wvs-show-label .variations th .woo-selected-variation-item-name{
   display: contents;

Thank You

Craig McKee

No, this hasn’t worked.  This centered the attribute name.  I need to align the attribute name and the choice vertically so in the picture I need the Hard Wearing to be vertically aligned with Quality.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Add the below CSS:
.woo-variation-swatches.wvs-show-label .variations th {
   display: flex;
   align-items: center;
   justify-content: center;
To get it like this: https://prnt.sc/4spC3_gpktlM

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your beautiful words. 🙂

I am changing the status of this plugin to Resolved.

Please don’t hesitate to open a new ticket if you face any issues in new future.

Thank You