Hi Gheorghe,
Thanks for reaching out to us. You are using Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by ThemeHigh.
Our swatches plugin name is Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by Emran Ahmed.
Please contact with ThemeHigh, regarding your issue.
Thank You
Variation Conflict
Gheorghe Ungureanu
Warning : Undefined variable $lazy_load in /homepages/23/d905047721/htdocs/Bontdesign.com/wp-content/plugins/product-variation-swatches-for-woocommerce/public/class-thwvsf-public.php on line 309
When I select a Product, it doesn't show me the image and I can't choose any option to add to the Cart I tried without this plugin and it seems that the problem persists I have also attached a screen shot