Hi Pernille,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Please add the below snippet using the Code Snippets plugin:
add_action('flatsome_product_box_after', function(){
if ( function_exists( 'woo_variation_swatches' ) ){
Then let me know if it displays swatches or not.
Thank You
Doesn’t show swatches on frontpage
Pernille Borup
Hi, I just renewed my pro-solution of variation swatches.
I want my swathes to be shown if the shop-page. It kinda works if I enter a kategori, but it doesn’t show in the front page.
What can I do to make the visible in my front page?
Best Regards Pernille
Here it doesn’t work: https://www.myfavoriteplanner.com
Here it works: https://www.myfavoriteplanner.com/product-category/dateret-planner/