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issue with variations in archive page


in archive page/homepage there aren’t variations after the last update, however in related product in product page it show variations

Schermata 2022-08-02 alle 09.50.15.png

Schermata 2022-08-02 alle 09.51.33.png


Hakik Zaman

Hi Elia,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have added a snippet “GWP Support” using the Code Snippets plugin-

add_action('flatsome_product_box_after', function(){

Please check now and don’t forget to clear your cache like- Browser Cache, Caching Plugin Cache, and Server-Side Cache.

Then let me know if it resolves your issue or not.

Thank You

hello, there is a problem, the block of variation samples are duplicated in the archive page

Hakik Zaman

Hi Elia,

Keep the previous snippet and under that insert the below part:

add_action('woo_variation_swatches_pro_archive_page_loaded', function($wvs_pro){
   remove_action('woocommerce_init', array( $wvs_pro, 'enable_swatches' ), 1);
}, 10, 1);

Then let me know if it resolves your issue or not.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Elia,

Can you please check now and confirm with me?

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Elia,

Thanks for your good words.

Is there anything I can help with?


Can I close this ticket?

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Elia,

Thanks for your good words.

Is there anything I can help with?

or, Can I close this ticket?

Thank You