Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Slow shop page load time

Carmen Garcia

Shop page loads very slowly with the pro version

Problem persist after deactivate all  additional plugins except WooCommerce and Additional Variation Images Gallery Plugin.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Carmen,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please reduce the number of products on the first load.

We suggest 15 products on the first load and use an infinity scroll to load the next 15 products.

You are viewing 120 products on the first load. This will load all the variations for each product.

I hope the above suggestion will improve your site speed.

Thank You

Carmen Garcia

it was supposed to be 4 x 3 rows, I accidentally added a 0 making it 30 rows. thank you


Hakik Zaman

Hi Carmen,

Is it improved the speed?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Carmen Garcia

I am noticing that some of the images briefly load, and then they disapear (never reapear)
these are from the first 12 products, not from products expanded by infinity scroll

Carmen Garcia

I am also noticing that none of the images are showing for products after the first 12, meaning that products that are showing because of the infinity scroll do not have any images. they only have images in the swatch buttons


Hakik Zaman

Hi Carmen,

Did you remove the staging site?

Can you please give us admin access and an exact page link where you are facing the issue?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You