Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

I also want to “Hide Gallery Thumbnail”

Tiago Almeida

I saw a very similar topic here, i’m interested in hiding the thumbnail gallery on small mobile phone. On the other post the agent replied to the user by saying that he believes not many people want this, but i think this is not true, and this is way:

The gallery uses a lot of “above the fold” space and that’s why the current UX practice in e-commerce is to hint the user that there are more images by displaying some bullets or arrows and hiding the gallery. One of the main alternatives to the “Additional Variation Images Gallery” plug-in has this option and i truly believe that is the reason they can still compete with your plug-in.

A simple option to hide the gallery on small screens and to always display the arrows on the main gallery would be enough. Any way we can do this with CSS right now?


Tiago Almeida

This will hide the thumbnail div on all screens, i have it placed on mobile only.

.woo-variation-gallery-thumbnail-wrapper {
display: none;

Any way we can make the arrows always visible also?

The best way to address this would be to add an option to the plug in like “Thumbnails Style”:


Hakik Zaman

Hi Tiago,

Thanks for reaching out to us and for your suggestions.

BTW, please send your suggestions here-  https://storepress.fider.io/

Can you please share an exact product link to check? So that I can inspect your product.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You