Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Single Variation Image Preview

Mohamed Makri

Hi! The single variation image does not work. For example:


When you click on red or gray, the corresponding images do not appear.


PS: This is a staging-site, so feel free to make tests.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

The issue is coming from your child theme. So, recheck your custom code inside your child theme.

You can also activate the parent theme to test yourself.

Thank You

Mohamed Makri

I don’t think the issue is coming from my child theme.

I’ve turned off the custom CSS and all the plugins (except WooCommerce, Variation Swatches and WooCommerce Additional Variation Images). I activated Twenty One theme.

When you click on the red color for example, the first image is showing but the others images are staying blue (see screenshot at the end). Take a look: https://www.edition-tawhid.com/staging-site/produit/le-noble-coran-argente-qr/

Maybe there is a compatibility probleme with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I don’t have this problem on the production site (with Variation Swatches 1.1.19). So, if it works with the 1.1.19 version but not with the 2.0.5 version, the probleme is coming from your update. Something happened between the version 1.1.19 and the version 2.0.5 that makes it no longer work. Take a look by yourself on the production site: https://www.edition-tawhid.com/produit/le-noble-coran-argente-qr/



Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

Sorry I missed the thumbnails. I checked and found the main image is changing on selecting a single variation.

My mistake, will you help us replicate this on our staging site? So that I can send this to our development team.

Thanks in advance for your co-operation.

Mohamed Makri

Yes sure. Do I have to send you WooCommerce Additional Variation Images?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

It’s a staging site, please login here and set up that plugin. And try to reproduce your issue here.


Username: admin

Password: demo

Then I can send this to our development team.

Thank You

Mohamed Makri

I can not activate the Single Variation Image Preview on your demo. There is a padlock.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

I have added the Pro version. Please try to replicate it now.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

Thanks for your patience. I have discussed this with our development team.

They confirmed single image preview is working as expected. Which is our feature.

But the variation images load depends on the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images Gallery.

Which basically works while you select two attributes. So, it is not an issue from our side.

If they restructure their code according to our Single Image Preview code, it may act as your present need.

From our side, we have no access to their code.

Thank You

Mohamed Makri

I repeat what I already said:

Single image preview (and thumbnails variation) work with the 1.1.19 version.  Take a look by yourself on the production site: https://www.edition-tawhid.com/produit/le-noble-coran-argente-qr/

The problem appeared from version 2.0.0. So something happened between the version 1.1.19 and the version 2.0.0 (and further versions) that makes it no longer work, something from your side, in your code (not in WooCommerce Additional Variation code).

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

We have changed our whole codebase in the series of version 2.0.

They have already given an example- Additional Variation Gallery is returning false with our latest version.

But with our previous version, it was returning always an HTML code block.

I think they should also update their code according to our new codebase.

Please check this screencast as a reference. I am trying to explain as the development team described to me.

Thank You

Mohamed Makri

You admit it doesn’t work anymore since you changed the whole codebase. So it’s the fault of YOUR codebase.

But in place of changing your codebase that makes it no longer work, you’re asking WooCommerce Additional Variation Images – which is a official WooCommerce plugin – to change their code to fit to your extension. Are you serious?


Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

Yes, I am serious. They are human too and every development team needs to change the codebase to be compatible with others.

In our previous version, we didn’t use AJAX to get data. Now we are using AJAX to speed up your web page experience. Previously, all data loaded with the single product page loads.

Thank You

Mohamed Makri

It’s (maybe) faster but it doesn’t work. I think it’s up to you to adapt your code to an official extension and not the opposite. No offense to your human ego… GetWooPlugins has change his code so everyone has to adapt their code to GetWooPlugins… Huh…


Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

I have already contacted the development team several times. They have replied to me refreshing the gallery is not our feature.

BTW, we also changed our codebase to be compatible with others. But we have so many requests to implement ajax to speed up the page speed.

You can try our Additional Variation Images Gallery Plugin. I have already applied the Additional Variation Images Gallery on the staging site. You can check now here- https://wptestbox.com/115904/?product=test

Thank You

Mohamed Makri


Me again. So, the single variation image does not work. But the single variation image on shop / archive page is also not working. I think this is part of your feature, isn’t?






Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

Thanks for getting back to us. Can you please give us an exact link to check?

BTW, your previous credentials are not working- https://prnt.sc/fYCdDm025tdE

Can you please revise the login credentials? Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Mohamed,

I have updated the product wrapper and image selector here- https://prnt.sc/j8SKWR_dDj6p

Please check now and before checking don’t forget to clear your caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You