Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

main product image does not show at archive / shop pages

Hi there,

I have an issue with the latest version of your PlugIn (Variation Swatches) at my WooCommerce webshop (latest releases).

When I activate your plugin for archive and shop pages, all my main product photos disappear at this pages while loading content. First the photos appear, and after a few seconds almost all photos are gone.

The function “Show default selected attribute swatches on archive / shop page.” is deactivated, because I don´t want a variation photo at my shop pages. I have created special main photos for all products, so choosing a variation photo for all products afterwards is no option for me.

When I click on the variation buttons of the products (at a archive or shop page), the variation photo appears (correctly), but will dissapear again when the selection is cleared.

All product pages work perfectly – this happens only at the shop and archive pages.

In the earlier versions I never had an issue with my main product photos – so I guess this has to do with some updates.

I am using Flatsome (UX builder), Germanized and WPML (and a few other little tools).

At the moment I have deactivated Variation Swatches for shop and archive pages, but I would like to use it there again.
Would be awesome if you had any idea how to fix this problem.

Best regards,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Are you using any CDN services?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

thanks for your reply.
No, I don´t use any CDN services.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Marcus,

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Marcus,

Please try to reduce the product on the first load [For Example 3 products for a test].

Your server is responding slowly.

Also, try to disable the lazy load of images. You can find it in the theme option > performance tab.

Are you using any image optimization plugin? If so, please turn it off for a test.

Then check what happens.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

I have now deactivated lazy load of images and changed the amount of products to 3 at the shop page.
I know, my test environment is a bit slow 🙁


I see that the images show again at the test environment!
Is this some conflict of Flatsome lazy load and your plugIn?

I will now activate variation swatches for archive pages again at my webshop and see how it works.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Marcus,

Is this some conflict of Flatsome lazy load and your plugIn?

Not sure, but some of our clients are facing issues if the lazy load is activated from Flatsome settings.

Thank You