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could you tell me to put this code in which position?

Guo Jenny




  1. could you tell me to put this code in which position?

I want to delete the red box on the right and move all variables to the left some distance,

2. Below is my mobile layout, I need to move all the variables to the left a bit for a neater look




Tanvirul Haque

Please put the following CSS code inside your theme customizer’s -> Additional CSS section:

ul.variable-items-wrapper.radio-variable-items-wrapper {list-style: none;padding-left: 0;}
.et-db #et-boc .et-l .et_pb_wc_add_to_cart form.variations_form.cart .variations td.value span:after { content: none; }
table.variations th.label,
table.variations td.woo-variation-items-wrapper {
display: block;

Let me know is it working for you or not.
