Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

variation switch on carousel

Filippo De Pa

Hi, i want to purchase the plugin but i have a question.
I use the theme AVADA and i want to add at the shop page and category page (all archive page) under the price ONLY THE VARIATION COLOR with the image bullet color with a limit (for example if i have 10 color assigned on one product i would like to show only the 4 variation) And i would like to show this variation box on carousel RELATED PRODUCT and UPPSELL / CROSS SELL PRODUCT, is it possibile with the PRO versions?
thanks a lot

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, you can display swatches on archive and category pages.

You can also limit the swatches as you described. But swatches on the carousel depend on your theme.

If your theme didn’t change the default hook swatches will be displayed on the carousel also.

BTW, if you can give us the hook from your theme, we can help you to display swatches on that part too.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

You didn’t provide us the admin access.

Can you please give us admin access?

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

I have tried the Pro version by installing it on your staging.

You are using Avada builder to create your shop page and carousel.

Unfortunately, our plugin didn’t work with your Avada builder code.

BTW, will you help us to create the same environment on our end?

Please let me know your thought.

Thank You

Filippo De Pa

I did not understand what I have to do. will you be able to integrate with avada?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

You just need to make two pages like your site on our staging.

Note: I will give you a staging site.

Then I can send this to our development team. They can say is it possible to integrate or not.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Filippo De Pa

ok i can install the carousel without problems in your area. can you send me all the credentials? do i have to install the AVADA theme?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

Sorry for my late response. We are on our Eid Vacation. So, the reply can be delayed than the normal time.

Here is the staging site for you-


username: admin

password: iUja8N*y^(t^q25D9L

Yes, install the Avada theme and just replicate the same as your example site.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Filippo,

Sorry for our late response. I was waiting for our development team.

Unfortunately, right now there is no workaround for Avada builder.

Note: Though it is working using shortcode but breaking layout. Because Avada builder is forcing our markup outside of the wrapper.

But our swatches will work with the WooCommerce default shop loop.

Thank You

Filippo De Pa

Becouse i want to use the shortcode [products] on the category page to show the products…. i would like the plugin working correctly.

thanks a lot