Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Shaun Oster

Having blurry thumbnails.
I followed your guide, adjusted width to match the previous settings (though the thumbnails dont change at all). Clicked the link to redo them. Same results.

Staging site:

Login: woothumbs
Pass: XGnCGX5g6Ge@n9!OMs7RmY65


Hakik Zaman

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Shaun,

Add the below snippet inside your functions.php or install the Code Snippets plugin and add a snippet using the below-
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_image_size_gallery_thumbnail', function( $size ) {
return array(
'width' => 350, //Set your width as your wish
'height' => 350, //Set your height as your wish
'crop' => 0,
} );

Thank You

Shaun Oster

Hmm, I added this with a code snippit plugin and it doesnt seem to make any difference, no matter what I change on the settings. Thumbnails are still the same size and blurry…

Hakik Zaman

Hi Shaun,

Did you clear your cache after adding the above code?

Please make sure you have cleared your cache like browser cache,  caching plugin cache, and server-side cache.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Shaun,

Please revise your login credentials. I have tried but couldn’t access your site.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Shaun Oster

Ok thanks! Hmm I seem to have gotten the 1st image of each product/variation to be clear… But you can see its a different aspect ratio, weird. Would be very grateful for you to help.

Lemme check the credentials!

[email protected] (your login address) or woothumbs (username)

Password: 8f7KTli3kpsxpdQN8


Thank you! So grateful for your help and the awesome plugin. The boss is bugging me about the blurry stuff so ive been up since 4am trying to fix it lol



Shaun Oster

Its interesting, I have managed to get the main product featured image (and thumbnails) to all be clean and not blurry, the right aspect ratio. But all the variations that show up when you change color (other than the first one) are the wrong aspect ratio and blurry:

see video:


Shaun Oster

I did, actually the first thing I tried, that might be how I got the main images to be uncropped and not blurry (see the video link in my last message). As I showed in that video, the main images look great now, its only the additional variation images that are cropped and blurry… Did that login work?

Shaun Oster

BTW, I just tested changing theme – It works with other themes. (Not cropped, not blurry).

Therefore I theorize that your snippet code is targeting the wrong thing for this particular theme (can’t change themes, this is a project with many employees needing to launch).

But thats a good clue! Maybe the naming convention is different for this theme?


Shaun Oster

Not sure if you were trying to fix, but it was working last night (all thumbnails correct). Might have been my latest settings, not sure. And I woke up this morning to see them broken again. Fortunately I immediately backed up last night when I saw them correct and just restored them to functioning.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Shaun,

The code I provided is targeting the WooCommerce default hook not targeting any theme.

Not sure if you were trying to fix, but it was working last night (all thumbnails correct

I run a thumbnail regeneration feature by the WooCommerce. It takes time regenerat depedening on image number on your site.

 Fortunately I immediately backed up last night when I saw them correct

It seems like caching issue. Do you have any server-side cache settings? If so, can you please clear your cache?

Is everything all right from your side?

Thank You