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Swatches issues with how it is displaying and working.

  • I wish to display the colour swatches bigger and more of a circle not eclipse, also with no tick.
  • Also if I select Shape it should only show the size rugs for those shapes not all of them.
  • Also I can’t select runner or round rug for some reason.


I want to look more like this.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Jodie,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

I wish to display the colour swatches bigger and more of a circle not eclipse, also with no tick.

Please check this tutorial to make one attribute bigger. To get a circle shape please make sure your width and height are the same. To hide the tick, please add the below CSS at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

.woo-variation-swatches .variable-items-wrapper .variable-item:not(.radio-variable-item).image-variable-item.selected:not(.no-stock) .variable-item-contents:before {
    background-image: none;

Also if I select Shape it should only show the size rugs for those shapes not all of them.,

Also I can’t select runner or round rug for some reason.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you

have shape as well, but I don’t want all the sizing to appear, only when it is related to the shape

For instance

When you click Area Rug – should display 120×170, 160×230, 200×290, 240×310 – Round – should only only display 183×183, 240×240 for instance, Not all of them. https://therugcollective.com.tr/product/distressed-vintage-kendra-area-rug/?attribute_pa_color=kendra-ash&attribute_pa_size=160x230cm&attribute_pa_shape=area-rug

Also the swatches aren’t changing when you select the small one the large one isn’t showing. Also isn’t showing on the other swatches as thumbnails next to the large image

Okay that worked, but how come I can upload only one image at a time, that is very time consuming. Also under Shape, it is only showing Area Rug, I still want Round, Runner to show, so they know they click on them headings, and sizing will appear.

Also as mentioned before, the headings, Colour, Shape and Size used to appear at time, now it is on the side.


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Hakik Zaman

Hi Jodie,

Also under Shape, it is only showing Area Rug, I still want Round, Runner to show, so they know they click on them headings, and sizing will appear.

You have the default selection from the product edit page. Check this screenshot.

So, they will not appear on the first load. BTW, it is a default feature of WooCommerce.

Also as mentioned before, the headings, Colour, Shape and Size used to appear at time, now it is on the side.

Did you mean attribute titles should on one line? If so, please contact your theme support because the design is coming from your theme.

Thank You

Also you didn’t answer about this how come I can upload only one image at a time, that is very time consuming for each variante

Hakik Zaman

Hi Jodie,

How come the Round, Runner aren’t showing, only area rug

It depends on the combination. Do you have any combinations Kendra Ash with Round and Runner?

If you didn’t have any combination it will not show. It is also a WooCommerce feature.

Also you didn’t answer about this how come I can upload only one image at a time, that is very time consuming for each variante

Unfortunately, it is not possible in WooCommerce. You can’t upload one image at a time. BTW, you can try this tool to avoid redundant work.

Thank You

Yes I have combinations with Kendra Ash with Round and Runner same as Kendra. But only showing Area Rugs for both.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Jodie,

Yes I have combinations with Kendra Ash with Round and Runner same as Kendra. But only showing Area Rugs for both.

In that case, make sure those combinations are in stock or not.

Thank You

Yes I know that I have stock on everything, but they aren’t showing. My god this plugin isn’t easy to use.