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CSS not loading on pages other than Single product or Archives


Pages that are not a product or an archive page are not loading the css files required to display properly the swatches. If you go down the page I put in this form, you’ll see thet item variants are huge. I compared the loaded files and noticed the file /wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/assets/css/frontend.min.css was missing.

I saw that post from your forum: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/what-does-load-scripts-globally-mean/ but I think this was for the ancient version and is no longer relevant. Is there a way for me to be sure all files are loaded when the plugin is in use on a page?


Thank you.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Julien,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Normally, the swatches plugin’s CSS and JS should load on every page.

Do you want to disable them except single product and archive page?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You


No, I don’t want to disable them except single product and archive page. I want it to load on all pages that display products, which is not only single product and archive page. So if it means loading the script and csson every page, so be it. But right now, it’s not loading the CSS on the page I linked in my ticket form so the swatches show up but are out of proportion.

Thank you.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Julien,

I have asked our development team regarding this issue. They said, by default the Swatches CSS will load on every page.

Please make sure if your theme deregisters some CSS or not. You can test it by installing the swatches and any default theme. You will get the plugin CSS on every page.

Thank You