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Product price does not show when variations are the same price

Paul Barrett


Thanks for a great plugin. I have an issue though where if I have 2 colours (eg, red & blue) and they both have the same price, the plugin does not display the price when a colour is chosen.

This ONLY happens when a colour is the only available attribute for that product. If, for example,  I have a “size” attribute, then the price displays OK.

Thanks for helping!


Hakik Zaman

Hi Paul,

Displaying price is not a feature of our plugin, is the feature of WooCommerce itself.

Could you disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you

Paul Barrett

Hi, thanks for the quick reply! I have tried your suggestion and you are right! It doesn’t work when the plugin is inactive. Sorry – I should have tried that before asking you.

Thank you!
