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Color variation swatch with Gridbuilder plugin & Elementor

I’m using Gridbuilder for my Woocommerce store but I don’t see how to add the color variations on my archive pages, can you please help me? I use the Elementor builder.

Thank You


Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Did you try our shortcode- [wvs_show_archive_variation]?

Please use the shortcode to create a product loop for the archive/shop page.

Thank You

Hello Hakik,
Thank you for your feedback,
I did use this shortcode in my Gridbuilder design and it seems to link well with the color attributes. However, the colors that go up under each product of the archive page correspond to the attributes of the first product of my page “Bombers Stator” (see example). Therefore, the same colors are always displayed even though they do not correspond to my product catalog. How can I display the color variations corresponding to each product?
Have a nice day,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

Thank you


Here is a video of my problem 🙂 https://www.loom.com/share/eacc22c4cfb84436a77a6d1e388b7edd
The color attributes that appear under all the products are always identical and correspond to the colors of the first product “Bombers Stator”.
Normally the color attributes that should appear should correspond to the colors of each product.
Thank you,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Johanna,

Can you please give us temporary admin access to your site? We’ll try to investigate the issue for you.

You can add new users by going to Users > Add New set the user and password for us, set the role to admin, and set the info here.

And add your site URL, login username, and password in the site login area. Follow this guideline: https://www.useloom.com/share/27c1f2ac633c4060b2da883d946107d7

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hello Hakik,
I have put the access to our site in the form.
Thank you,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

Your grid builder is using background-image to display images. Check this screenshot.

It can’t be replaced. Our plugin will search for <img> tag and replace the src to display variation images.

But there is no <img> tag inside your grid builder markup. So, images will not change if you use this layout.

I hope this information will clear up your confusion.

Thank You

Hello Hakik,

I’m really sorry for my delay in responding.
I think there is a small misunderstanding regarding my request. I will repeat it with an example to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

Image 1 – what I see on the site: The 3 swatches correspond to the first product “Bombers Stator”. They are the same under all the products of my category: https://dev.a-lafont.com/categorie-produit/artisans-btp/
If I click on one of the swatches under the product “Softshell Mist” it opens the product “bombers stator”…

Image 2: What I would like to have: The swatches that appear under the products should match its color attributes.

Thank you,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

Unfortunately, your screenshots were not attached properly. You can upload your screenshot here and post the screenshot link on this thread.

I have tried your given login credentials but unfortunately, they are not working.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

I am really sorry for not understanding your issue. You are using the Raw Content block to add the shortcode.

Is it possible to get the dynamic product id inside Raw content here- https://prnt.sc/k4Tcwu2I6Pi5

Otherwise, it is taking the same product ids and displaying the same swatches for each product.

Please contact Grid Builder support regarding this query.

In that case, you can pass the shortcode like this- [wvs_show_archive_variation product_id="ID"]

Thank You