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Variation display on product archive created with Essential Addons for Elementor

Sven Mueller

Hi Dhul,

thanks for the fast response. Unfortunately the shortcode does not seem to work on my archieve pages.

The php code you sent me won´t work by itself. Could you provide me something like that:
Hi Dan,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Please place the below code at your child theme’s functions.php or, install the Code Snippets plugin and add the below code as a snippet-
function wvs_ulimate_addons_support(){
add_action( ‘uael_woo_products_after_summary_wrap’, ‘wvs_pro_archive_variation_template’, 31 );
add_action(‘wp’, ‘wvs_ulimate_addons_support’);
Then let me know whether your reported issue has been fixed or not.

Thank You

Many thanks

Hey guys, I´m trying to get the variations showing on my archive site built with Elementor Essential Addons product grid widget. The variations are shown on the single product site. Here´s an example: https://scharrer24.com/tassen/ Can you provide the code I can place into the child theme functions.php? Thanks a lot!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Sven,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Did you set up your archive/shop page using Essentials Addons for Elementor?

If so, can you please contact the support team of Essentials Addons? And ask for an action hook to push swatches on their archive product shop loop.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You