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Hiding product attribute label & drop down arrows

Rob Sinning


I was hoping to receive some with figuring out how to hide the product attribute names (Color & Size) from the product page. I do have the “Show Selected Attribute” box unchecked in the plugin settings. Also, the attribute names only display when I have the “Default form values” set within the product data section but I’m hoping to be able to keep that setting so it’s more user friendly when selecting variations.

I’ve included a link to a specific product that displays the error I’m talking about.


Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Tanvirul Haque

Hello Rob Sinning,

Could you please put the following CSS code inside your theme customizer’s additional CSS section?

#boldgrid-sticky-wrap .bgtfw-form .bgtfw-wrap-select:after {
content: none;

Here is no option to hide only the attribute label, hide will affect the attribute label and name both, here is the CSS code:

.woocommerce div.product form.cart .variations label { display: none !important; }
