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Swatches doesn’t display my styling config


Before the update I had my own styel already configurated I was working good. With the upgrade, had the same style, doesn’t make any changes but now it doesn’t display the colors and all the styling for the attributes






Hakik Zaman

Hi Ezequiel,

We have released a major update after the last version. So, you have to follow a couple of options.

1. Take screenshots of all your “Swatches Settings” and then press the “Reset All” button

2. Implement back all options comparing the screenshot before pressing the reset all button.

Please DON’T forget to Take SCREENSHOTS of your Settings. Otherwise, you can get the back option preset option again.

Tutorial to reset settings: https://www.loom.com/share/da5e9308f9d54756b7880fb9acf8ebc3

Hopefully, This will help.

Thank You

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ezequiel,

Can you please clear your caches like- Browser Cache, Caching Plugin Cache, and Server-Side Cache?

Color Swatches are working fine from my side. Please check this screenshot.

Thank You