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new version doesn’t replace my dropdown


I’ve updated the plugin and the swatches are not replacing my dropdown now, take a look here: https://prnt.sc/jcltS6CDJA22

Also, the fill color is not white: https://prnt.sc/i3MTnjg4IPwM but in frontend its green: https://prnt.sc/F4u7pnVQYH3s – something is mixed here, please check.


Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I have tried to access your staging dashboard but the dashboard style is broken.

So, I couldn’t inspect your site properly. Please check this screencast. Can you please fix this?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You


Sorry, I think I was able to fix it, please check again.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

Can you please check now?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

Just checked and both issues persist. Buttons are not replacing the dropdown and the background is still black.

Please check again, feel free to make the tests you need on my staging.

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

You should adjust this section.

BTW, I found issues-

Changing text color affects the background color in the front end.

Changing background color affects the text color in the front end.

I have already reported this issue to our development team.

Please check now, if everything works as expected or not.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

Thank you. Now I see the colours are correct and the buttons replacing my dropdown in frontend correctly.
I’ll update the plugin as soon as you make a new release. Hope you can fix these issues for the next update.

Thank you

Hi Hakik,

Updated to version 2.0.1 but my dropdown is not getting replaced by the buttons. I would like to avoid custom CSS, I prefer it to be fixed by the plugin itself.

Can it be done? Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

Our plugin already disabled the default dropdown. But Stockie theme forcefully added a select box.

That’s why it is showing and you need a block of custom CSS.

BTW, I will inform this our development team.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,


Thank you for answering but on my live site I’m using the same theme but with the version 1.1.19 (and pro 1.1.18) and the dropdown is replaced by the plugin…

Hope you can check what changed in the meantime and fix it in an upcoming update.

thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for informing us. I will inform our development team.

Thank You

I see version 2.0.2 is there. Have you fixed it in this version?

Thank you

Hakik Zaman

Hi Ricardo,

Just released version 2.0.3, can you please check now?

Thank You