Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Global SA

hi, we buy the variation images pro, but i cant use images in atributtes, i already upload the images, i create the atributtes, but doenst show the images…Anotação 2022-06-08 165728.pngAnotação 2022-06-08 165759.pngAnotação 2022-06-08 165818.png

Hakik Zaman

Hi Global,

Thanks for reaching out to us. The issue you mentioned is not related to the Additional Variation Images Gallery plugin.

It is about the Variation Swatches plugin, you didn’t add images for this field. The field you added image is not a field of the Swatches plugin.

Please add images here to get images on the front end.

Thank You

Global SA

I tried to add the image where you asked, but the error remains. can you help me with this? try adding it will give the same error…

Hakik Zaman

Hi Global,

Can you please temporarily deactivate Divi Ajax Filters and try to add images here to get images on the front end.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Global SA

ok it works! But i need this plugin because this filters have a core part of the site. I try desativate and insert all patterns and after this i activate the plugin again and its ok. Works!