Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Kartik Bagga


I have noticed that some random products are not showing the feature image. I have tested various plugins and it would seem the issue is with this plugin. What I don’t understand is why it is only certain products and not all of them – any ideas as to why this may be happening?


The majority of the products are showing up fine, it is just a few. Here are a few example





Also, we added the pro version  of the Variation Swatches for Woocommerce plugin and it seems to have slowed down the site massively. Again, any ideas as to why this may be and is there something we can do to speed things up again?

Thank you


Golam Kibria

Hi Kartik,

You are experiencing the issue because you have enabled the “Remove featured image from Gallery” option.

The product links that you have shared do not have any other image except the featured image.

Here is a video I made during my investigation.

I have changed the settings option of Swatches plugins and everything looks fine.

Is there anything else we can do for you?

Thank you

Kartik Bagga

thank you for noticing this… it is a feature I actually need for other reasons, but i can disable it for simple products which is what I was having the issue with. So all sorted thank you