Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


On the archive page everything is ok but when you step into one of the products the related ones are marked out of stock.

I added the following PHP code in my child theme as you suggested on a previous ticket. https://gist.github.com/tanvirulhaque/d1aa2d3996eb02d886e882fde380b709

It works, however, now when I move my mouse over one of the colored thumbnails there is a footnote.

Can you please help me?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Thierry,

Thanks for getting back to us. Can you please temporarily downgrade the Elementor Pro version to 3.5.2?

Then check is it happening or not. Hope to hear from you soon!

BTW, we are on Eid Vacation. So, the reply can be delayed than the normal time.

Thank You