Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce – Pro

From our support site:

We can not load videos and have the variation gallery at the same time.

We found that the main cause of this issue is the Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce – Pro (paid one).

This is what you were using before and that’s the reason why you can post videos and have gallery in variation, at the same time.

It is the plugin it self the is causing the issue, the features are not working properly.

We apologize for this issue, we don’t have full access/control with the plugins. As of the moment you can only choose between posting a video or the gallery.

Our specialist suggest for your to contact the developer of the paid plugin, they can check what’s going on with it.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Erin,

You are using a very older version of Additional Variation Images Gallery for WoooCoommerce Pro.

Could you update your free and premium version of the Additional Variation Images Gallery plugin?

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Additional Variation Images Gallery for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.3.1

Additional Variation Images Gallery for WoooCoommerce Pro – Version 1.3.1

Please make sure you are using the same version and let me know whether your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You

I have updated the plugins but now videos are not showing and how do I turn off the double gallery when using the variations.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Erin,

Can you please give us an exact link to check the issue for you?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

I have updated the plugin to pro which I believe the free version was buggy.