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Error in console + Ajax Error for get_variation

Michael Ozery

The first error I don’t know what to do with is:

<SITE_URL>/:1 Refused to apply style from ‘<SITE_URL>/wp-content/themes/flatsome/assets/css/extensions/flatsome-swatches-frontend.min-rtl.css?ver=3.15.3’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.


The second problem and the most important one is this:

GET <SITE_URL>/?wc-ajax=get_variations&product_id=2369 500

POST<SITE_URL>/?wc-ajax=get_variation 500


For that reason, the out of stock sizes are not disabled in archive product page.


Please Advice,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Michael,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you please check your console now?

I have adjusted some settings. Before checking don’t forget to clear your cache (browser cache + caching plugin cache + server-side cache).

Please let me know whether your console errors are still visible or not.

Thank You

Michael Ozery

Hi Hakik,

Thank you for the quick reply!

I cleared all the cache and even went incognito, and the problem still persists.

A color variation should only be disabled in case there are no sizes left for that color, and the size box should only be disabled if it ran out of stock for that variation.

Herby attached a screenshot to make it clear:


Please advice,


Michael Ozery

*IMPORTANT: this error appears in every shop page (archive)