Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

issue with swatches and gallery plugins plugin

Tamir Oren


I’m having a few questions and issues with both of the plugins.

  1. On the product page, I want the user to be able to click only on the color and the gallery will change (without the need to choose color and size to see other photos).
  2. There are 2 bugs on the archive and product pages:
  • When the page is loaded the screen starts scrolling down weirdly – You can see it on the home page – Happen only when the swatches pro version is activated.
  • Each time you click on the variations the screen scroll down weirdly happening on the archive and on the product page – Click on any variation on the archive.
    On the product page scroll a bit down and then click on one of the variations – Happen no matter if pro swatches. and additional galleries are active or not active.
  • Every few pages I click – I’m getting the critical error – Happening when the swatches or additional gallery plugins PRO VERSIONS are activated.

3. On the product page, when I have color variation with less than 4 images, it shows more photos from the main gallery. I don’t want it to show more images besides the gallery of this color variation.

4. The last thing you already fixed for me on the other website I have is that on the product page the variation of the products at the bottom look lite they are out of stock.

I turned them down for now, but you can turn them on, and shut down other plugins for testing – the site is not live yet

Hakik Zaman

Hi Tamir,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

1. On the product page, I want the user to be able to click only on the color and the gallery will change (without the need to choose color and size to see other photos).

Please check this documentation. I hope it will help you to achieve what you wanted.

2. There are 2 bugs on the archive and product pages:

Can you please downgrade the Elementor Pro to 3.5.2

Then check whether your reported issue has been fixed or not.

3. On the product page, when I have color variation with less than 4 images, it shows more photos from the main gallery. I don’t want it to show more images besides the gallery of this color variation.

Could you record me reproducing your issue using a tool like this? https://www.useloom.com
It helps me to quickly figure out the issue.

4. The last thing you already fixed for me on the other website I have is that on the product page the variation of the products at the bottom look lite they are out of stock.

Please copy the code from here- https://gist.github.com/tanvirulhaque/d1aa2d3996eb02d886e882fde380b709

and paste it inside your child theme’s functions.php

Thank You

Tamir Oren


I don’t want to downgrade my Elementor since it made a lot of issues if the plugin is not updated, how can we fix it? I’m also getting tons of critical notices when the plugins are active and I cant send traffic to the website this way…

Go to this product backend: https://mitusha.co.il/wp-admin/post.php?post=1027&action=edit

You will see there is an orange color for example have 1 photo on its gallery (screenshot – https://prnt.sc/wbBEMUMOM7-x )

Now Go to this product on the user side: https://mitusha.co.il/product/brittany-dress/?attribute_pa_colors=%25d7%2599%25d7%25a8%25d7%2595%25d7%25a7

and choose the orange color, you will see the one photo we attached to this color attribute first, and the rest of the images are from the main gallery.

I don’t want it to show the main galley photos under this attribute

Scrrenshot: https://prnt.sc/QfNKv3ZlzhRy

Hakik Zaman

Hi Tamir,

I don’t want to downgrade my Elementor

We are really sorry for your inconvenience. Elementor Pro made some changes to their JavaScript on version 3.6.0. That’s why you are facing the issue.

If you don’t want to downgrade the version you have to wait for Swatches Version 2, which is still under construction. We also changed our script to be compatible with Elementor.

I don’t want it to show the main galley photos under this attribute

The images from the product’s main gallery are displaying because you initialize main gallery images but not variation gallery images.

Just add an image for this variation to initialize the variation gallery and click on the orange color.

Thank You

Tamir Oren

I dont understand.

It been almost a month and u still font update the plugin i paid for?

My whole website is critical issue every a few minutes, swatches are not working and u cant provide a solution for me?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Tamir,

We are really sorry for your inconvenience.

I will push again the development team for you.

BTW, We are on our Eid Vacation.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

Tamir Oren

I cant lanch my website until this issue is FIXED,

When are you planning to release an update for this?! this is making me a really hard time…

Hakik Zaman

Hi Tamir,

We have released the Swatches Version 2.0.

Please update both free and premium versions.

Then check whether your reported issue is resolved or not.

Thank You