Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Distorted product page layout for bigger size (6 inch + ) mobile phones

Meenu Sehgal

I am using following two plugins from your company.

1. Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce
2. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Recently, we noticed all products on our website have distorted layout for bigger size mobile phones (6 inch+)

It works fine for smaller screen size (less than 6 inch) phones.

We reached out to Brain Storm Force of Astra Theme for assistance in this regard & got following response.

“The CSS is caused by Woo Variation Gallery and adding Float: left to the gallery.”

See Screen shot of problem & findings by them on following link


They recommended either to disable these plugins or insert following code in additional CSS

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
overflow-wrap: inherit;

I have inserted above code in Additional CSS which solves the problem for me.

However, I feel there is a need for your review which may help other customers as well.


Golam Kibria

Hi Meenu,

Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.

We have options to clear float for small and extra small devices.


Did you try that option first?

I would request you to give it a try.

I will wait for your feedback.

Thank You