Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Cannot load admin pages after activating Variation Swatches plugins

Dear support,

I disabled the Variation swatches plugins (basic and PRO) for speed test analysis. But when enabling them again, I always get redirected and cannot login into the wordpress admin. Please see picture below. The URL shows the redirection url (https://krachtshoptest.nl/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-variation-swatches-settings&tab=tutorial). I also opened the console which shows the error.

swatches activation.JPG

I tried using different browsers (incognito) but always the same issue.


Could you please check?


Kind regards,


Fyi, to be able to get into the wordpress admin I disabled the plugins via ftp by renaming the plugin folders.


So please restore the plugin names through FTP again to replicate this issue.


Kind ergards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for getting back to us. Did you change our plugin file?

If yes, please keep a copy of your edited plugin file.

Then install full fresh plugins (both free and pro)

After doing the above check is it happening or not.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Dear Hakik,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions. I re-installed fresh copies of the Woo-variation basic plugin and Pro (I did not make changes to the plugin files). When ‘activating’ the plugins, I get the same error message as described in previous comments. Luckily, I can get back into the admin now and the plugins are activated. But still, it seems something goes wrong

But there is a bigger problem which prevents me of using your plugin… When I activate both plugins (basic and PRO), the product page load times increases with +/- 20 sec!

I checked this on multiple browsers/ incognito and also with and without caching. It just loads very slow. I made a video to illustrate.

The video starts with the situation in which the variation plugins are deactivated. The site loads ‘normal’ in about 1 to 5 seconds
After this I acvitate your plugin. You will also notice the error
After this I show the new load times in an incognito browser (without previous cookies), which are +/- 20 sec


I don’t see errors in the console or in the debug mode. So I’m totally lost what is causing this high load times. It only happens when activating your plugins.

I hope you guys can take a deeper look into this problem and find the cause. Could it be a setting? Any known compatibility problems with DIVI, or other plugins? Maybe some relation with the error message (and redirects) when I activate your plugins? I would really love to use your plugin, but cannot now.

I’m also on a deadline, the shop must go live within a week and I have to focus on other issues first.

So I hope you guys can help 🙂


Kind regards,



Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

The issue you mentioned is very uncommon to us. Previously, we faced a speed issue on the shop/archive page (for some sites) but not on the single/product description page.

Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the problem is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

BTW, I have tried to log in to your site but the above credentials didn’t work for this popup. Please give us login credentials so that we can check the issue for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you

Hi Hakik,

Thanks for your suggestions. I disabled all plugins except woocommerce and variation swatches and then it loads quicker. I haven’t found the conflict yet between plugins, but I’ll continue searching.


About the login, I get some kind of message that my sites uses basic authentication, never heard of it before but I think that is causing the failing login. But could you try this?



Kind regards,


Hi Hakik,

I want to update you on my progress and findings.

I found that deactivating the Siteground Optimizer plugin solves the loading problem.

I’ll check the options to see which specific one is causing the extreme load times.


Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Glad to know you found it. Yes, it is a known issue. But it doesn’t happen on every site.

That’s why we couldn’t find a solution for this.

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

Ok…I tried disabling all features, but load times still are longer than when I completely disable the SG Optimizer plugin.

Will there be a fix in future? Because I would like to use the SG optimizer plugin.

Kind regards,



Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

We are working on Swatches Version 2.

If you have a staging site, we can install the under-development version on your staging site.

Then you can test if it is happening with Version 2 or not.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank You

Ok, I’ll create a second staging site. I’ll let you know when ready and give you the login credentials.


Kind regards,

Dear Hakik,

The second staging site is online: krachtshoptest2.nl







Please let me know when installing the beta of your plugin is finished.

Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Sorry for my late reply. We have been on weekend leave since Thursday.

I have uploaded Swatches Version 2 to your staging site.

Please test it and let me know the result.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Dear Hakik,


Thank you and no problem.


I checked the site and did some speed tests. As far as I can see and test, the issue seems solved. I still have some pages loading +/- 10 sec, but most pages load in 5 or less. Definitely not +20 sec anymore!


Will Swatches version 2 be the next update of your regular plugin? If not, I should not update your plugin until then?

I will do some more testing and let you know if I encounter something.


Kind regards,




Hi Hakik,

Just one more suggestion for your plugin. See image below. It would be great if I could style the ‘3 left’ background- and textcolor and size of the box within your plugin settings.

Questions (I asked before, but the old code is not working anymore):

What css code to use to change the background- and text color of the ‘left’ box? I checked my custom css in theme editor options but it’s not there
Also please the css code to change the size of the ‘left’ box
I cannot find the ‘left’ text in loco translate anymore, I want to translate it to ‘nog’. In the last version of the plugin, I could translate this in the PRO version (it had 182 strings, Swatches Version 2.0 only has 42 strings??)

Kind regards,



Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

As I mentioned before, it is under development. Please don’t use it on the live site.

It is not fully ready to use. We just gave you to test it to check the SG Optimizer issue.

We have changed lots of things in our Swatches Version to optimize it.

Unfortunately, your screenshot was not attached properly.

You can use Lightshot App and post the screenshot link directly here.

Thank You

Dear Hakik,

Ah yes, I presumed it was in final stage 🙂 No problem. It looks good and it seems the speed issue is solved. When do you expect to rollout this new version?

Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

To be honest, it is difficult to say the exact date. Because it is a breaking change.

Basically, it depends on the development and testing team.

You can join our FB group and ask anything related to Swatches Version 2.

From my observation, the end of this month or the first week of next month.

Thank You