Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce causing issues

Adrian Dalton

Good day,

The Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin is causing issues on the website, causing hanging on pages (slow to load/images not loading) when viewing product images. The plugin(s), including free and pro versions are causing coding errors on xtraclothingandshoes.co.za.  Can you look into this for us? We cannot look into further speed optimization if this issue is not resolved first, and we do not want to deactivate the plugin and lose the functionality it offers and we have paid for.

We activated a CDN, but had to pause it because the images we not showing anymore. Would appreciate your assistance.

Kindly advise.

Many thanks,

Adrian Dalton

We assume that you have just logged in to the wp admin dashboard? Kindly confirm so that we know it’s you and not a security issue.

Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

Yes, we are checking the issue.

Thank You

Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

I have made adjustments to our plugin’s settings.

Will you please check if there is an improvement or not?

If there are no significant improvements, you will have to reduce the number of products on your Shop/Archive pages.

BTW, we have been working on an update with a higher focus on performance.

The development is almost finished. If you can manage a staging site, I can install the latest development versions there.

It will surely solve the issue.

Thank You

Adrian Dalton

Good day,


Thank you, we will review any impact the changes have had. May we ask what changes you have made to plugin settings?

We look forward to the update with more focus and delivery performance.

We can set up a staging site and will let you know when ready (sending access details).


Kind regards,


Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

It worked perfectly, during my investigation:- https://www.loom.com/share/bd94cf5b06a44c8faf467882d7f3e383

Did you disable the CDN?

BTW, I have adjusted the settings option under the performance tab of our plugin.

Please share the details of the staging site as soon as it is ready.

Thank You

Adrian Dalton

Yes, the CDN is paused, because when active, the images aren’t showing and we cannot have that on the live site.

Adrian Dalton



If we can agree on a time that you can take a look, I can activate CDN shortly before to show you what happens and then see if you know whether it’s a quick fix?


Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

Keep it paused for now.

This is not known to us. So, we may not be able to offer a solution for you.

Can you prepare the staging site quickly?

I would love to test if the issue happens with the new version too.

Thank You

Adrian Dalton

We managed to sort the issue and have CDN activated now, with images showing it seems.

We will let you know when staging site is ready.



Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

That is great.

Let me know when the staging copy of your site is ready.

Have a great day.

Thank You

Adrian Dalton

Hi Golam,


We are still to set up the staging site, but in the meantime, it seems that the variation gallery images just stopped working properly. For some people, it seems to work on some products, but this new product isn’t loading variation gallery images although they are loaded. Could this be due to an update? Would you mind taking a look, please?


https://xtraclothingandshoes.co.za/product-category/boys/boys-tracksuits/ (same details).

Golam Kibria

Hi Adrian,

Sorry for the late response. I have just checked your site and everything loaded fine.

Does the issue occur for logged-out users or for all users?

The plugins are not completely ready for production sites. There might not be any major issues but still, we are discouraging everyone to install them on the production sites.

The better solution is if you can manage a staging copy of your site.

Please contact your hosting company and ask them for help to create a staging copy of your site.

Hope to hear from your soon.

Thank you