Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Gallery Plugin destroys _wp_attachment_metadata

Beni Gasser


There is a bug in your plugin, I was freaking out until I found what’s causing it…

As soon as I visit a product (frontend), the _wp_attachment_metadata is not any more correct and looses all information about diffrent sizes.

Here are my steps:

  1. Create a new WC product
  2. Upload a product image
  3. I lookup the ID from the new added picture and will have a look in my database (wp_postmeta) –> everything looks good, please have a look:
    Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-12 um 10.47.15.png
  4. Now I can add more pictures or add product destription and update product–> everything fine as well.
  5. Now I open the product website in the frontend and the strange thing happen. Your plugin is somehow deleting the metadata:
    Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-12 um 10.49.57.png
  6. If I disable your plugins this is not happend and everything works correct

Can you please help me, this is very annoying

Greeting Beni




Hakik Zaman

Hi Beni,

Thanks for reporting this issue and reaching out to us.

We are working on the Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce 1.3.1

Please wait for the new release. Hopefully, this issue will be fixed in the coming version.

Thanks for your patience.

Beni Gasser

Hello I updated 1.3.1 today –> same issue.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Beni,

We have tried to reproduce your issue by following the steps you provided.

We found the issue on version 1.3.0. (only once) but on our latest release, we have tested it several times but couldn’t find the issue anymore. Please check this screencast.

Can you please try it on your local machine in a fresh environment?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You

Beni Gasser

Hello and thanks for your video..!

Very strange I made a fresh environment and there it works. Then I made a staging environment of the “old” environment and disabled all plugin apart the one you also had active.

In addition I switch my custom theme to the standard theme.

The problem still exists: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1a54l2w68shzj8/Gallery_low.mov?dl=0   -> I also made a video.

Can you maybe tell me some details where in the code the problem existed? Maybe I then have an idea what else there could be.

Greetings Beni

Hakik Zaman

Hi Beni,

I have already discussed this issue with our development team.

They said we have no codebase for deleting postmeta.

I have also informed them that I faced this issue once in 1.3.0.

But unfortunately, it did not happen when I tried it again.

I have tested it by creating a new setup and an existing setup as well.

Still, no luck, couldn’t reproduce it. You can reset the gallery settings and try it again for a test.

Thank You

Beni Gasser


I think I found the problem:
In the customizer the setting: “Customizing ▸ WooCommerce Product Images ” was not saved:

So then I tried to save –> does not work, then I found this: https://getwooplugins.com/ticket/102930/

I added the code tried to save again –> it worked

And now everything seems to work.

Do you have any idea why this happened? Now it also is clear why I could reinstall and update all plugins with no changes to my problems, it must be stored in the database.

This are my settings right now (seems to works now):

Hakik Zaman

Hi Beni,

Glad to know you identified this. Yes, we are aware of that.

That is not related to Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce Plugin.

It is related to our Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin.

We are working on Variation Swatches for WooCommerce version 2

It will be fixed in our latest release.

Thanks for your patience.