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swatch drop down selection

Henry Bowman

We want to upgrade our swatch use, but what we are really looking for is a option for a drop down box that lets the customer choose rope color, with a larger easier to see thumbnail besides each option.  We have about 25 options of color for each product and it’s hard to list them all on one page at once.  Also, some of the text on the new features are not positioned well for readability, we would like to be able to edit how the test is shown, and where.

Golam Kibria

Hi Henry,

Could you please explain a bit more? I am sorry that I could not get your query.

If you can give a visual representation, it will be very helpful.

Thank you

Henry Bowman

we have been asking for clarification on a feature that we need.

one of our products attributes has too many terms to be shown on the page and we want to use a simple drop down menu for this attribute, but we need it to have the thumbnail of the image shown next to the terms description.