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Increase Minimum stock threshold >99

Dear support,

How can I increase the Minimum stock threshold (in the Advanced tab) to more than 99? I would like this value to say 999.


If you can help me where to adjust this in code, I can do it myself 🙂

Or even better, maybe you can add this change to the next upgrade of the plugin? It’s better if you can choose.


Hope to hear from you.


Kind regards,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for reaching out to us. It will affect your site speed.

BTW, you can change the max number from here woo-variation-swatches-pro > includes > hooks.php and line number 811

You can also send your request here- https://storepress.fider.io/

Thank You

Hi Hakik,

Thank you for your fast reply. I changed the max number to 551. Is the speed affection significant?

Kind regards,

Hakik Zaman

Hi Patrick,

It may happen, not sure that it will happen to your site too.

If it is okay for you then you can keep them as it is right now.

But keep in mind, if you update our plugin this current change will be removed.

Thank You