Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Generate variation url


Hello, first, good job for the the plugin, it works great even with Composite product !

1/ Questions about generating url variation : Is it possible to get like url variation directly from archive page? If you select any variation in archive and click then on the product, you would get the “archive selected before” variation already selected.

2/ Each time you navigate between variations (for example 10 times) in a product page, then each time its generating link in the browser. The problem is that if a client wants to go back to shop, you have to click 10 times on “back” to get back to the archive page. Is there any way to get back direcly to the archive not depending on the number of the generated links for variation selected? Thats is for us like a little issue that we would like to solve without desactivating url generation.

3/Last question : are those generated url going to be available for SEO?


Thank you !


Hakik Zaman


Thanks for reaching out to us.

Issue 1:

Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available. You can send this feature request here- https://storepress.fider.io/

Issue 2: 

We are aware of this issue and fixed it in Version 2 (which is under development right now). You can check it here- https://wptestbox.com/testwvs2/?product=hoodie

Issue 3:

The URL is generated by WooCommerce itself, we just use it. You can copy the sharable URL and deactivate the swatch plugin and paste it into the browser address bar. Even without our plugin, it will work.

So, it will be great if you ask this on WooCommerce support.

Thank You