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Out of stock variations stil showing

Pierre Albert


I have an issue with out of stock variations that still showing on my client website. The problem has appeared recently.

The website is https://www.unairdefamille-laboutique.fr

When the product is updated by the publish button, all variations appear on the website even the ones out of stock.

example: https://www.unairdefamille-laboutique.fr/article/pret-a-porter/vestes-et-manteaux/parka-rina/ where the 38 et 42 shouldn’t appear

When I update the stock of a variation and only save with the Saving button on the variations settings, the out of stock variations disapear on the product page.

For the products that haven’t been updated recently, there is no issue. I think it appeared with an update of the plugin or WooCommerce.

Can you help me please ?



Pierre Albert


OK that’s what I’ve seen. Different behaviour depend which button you press.

But it means that if my client update a picture of the product or the price and publish, all the variations will appear even the out of stock.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Pierre,

While you are changing any variation-related settings use this button.

If you are changing other settings like product thumbnail or information then use this button.

Thank You

Pierre Albert


I undestand the difference bewteen the 2 buttons but if I use this button then all variations appear even the out of stock’s.

I have to change the stock values of ALL the out of stock’s variation to make them disappear.

Exemple with the https://www.unairdefamille-laboutique.fr/article/pret-a-porter/vestes-et-manteaux/parka-rina/

Only the size 40 is available.

If I use this button then the sizes 38 and 42 appear.

If I put the stock at zero for the 38 variation and save with this button then the size 38 disappear from the product page… but not the 42 !

I have to do it for this variation too. Hopefully there is only 3 variations for this product but for others it’s no fun.

So there is a problem with your plugin that has different behaviour depends on which button you press.

Can you fix it please ? My client shouldn’t have to do this every time he wants to change a product setting.



Hakik Zaman

Hi Pierre,

Yes, we understand but this shouldn’t happen and we didn’t face it on other customer sites. Please kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the problem is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you