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Can’t set image on circle variation

Hugo Battoue

Hi there,

I installed your beautiful plugin woo-variation in free version and it used to work perfectly.

I have now an issue and I just bought your the premium version in order to have premium support.

I can’t dipslay correctely images for variations, for intsance on this page :


1 – “Quantité” should display numbers
2 – “Couleur” should display image of correct color

Could you please help?

Many thanks,


Hugo Battoue

Just because it is unreadable :

I temporarily set square instead of circle :

Juste to remind my goal:

I need circle with number on “Quantité” field, and color image in “Couleur” field.

Thanks for your reactivy!!

Hakik Zaman

Hi Hugo,

Sorry for our late response. We have been on weekend leave since Thursday.

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please check now and confirm with me.

I have adjusted this option from Product Level settings and also made swatches circle.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You