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Variation Swatches Pro – Show on custom Archive page

I want to show the different Variation on the product archive page. This is possible with the plugin, but once I create a Postcard for the product (a way to customize my product archive within my theme) I lose the variation.

Is there some kind of short code or other way I can add it back onto the page?

An example of where this happens can be found here: https://eye.wmddevelopment.nl/product-categorie/icon-sunglasses/

Hakik Zaman

Hi Martijn,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please put the below code inside your customized shop loop-

<?php do_action('wvs_pro_variation_show_archive_variation'); ?>

Thank You

Hello Hakik,

Thanks for the quick response, I got the variation to appear, but my image isn’t switching now.

This might be because I load the image differently.

Any idea how to fix this?

