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Issues with Ajax and scrolling

Hi there,

Main issue: when you click on variation option on any page (homepage, product page, etc) it scrolls you to the top of the page. For example, go to https://www.jollyelephant.com and scroll to product and click on the white/burgundy options.

I have tried disabling all plugins one by one.

Secondary issue:

If you enable “Load archive page variation by ajax.” on the archive/shop tab, it seriously messes up scrolling on the entire website. It caused the site to scroll up to the top of the page every 3 or 5 seconds, so you cannot scroll.

I have disabled every single plugin one by one to find this. When I found it, I had all plugins disabled (except WooCommerce and WP Bakery) and turned yours back on and it did it, so I don’t think it’s a clash.

We have disabled this option, so this isn’t an issue for us as much as the main one at the top.


Many thanks,


Hakik Zaman

Hi Kacper,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

It’s a development local site, please login here and set up your theme. And try to reproduce your issue here.


Username: admin

Password: TShvOw2^@DM(rIU1Rb

Note: I have installed the necessary plugins and uploaded sample products for you.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Thank You