Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Advice on the functionality of the plugin

I am making a pizzeria website and now the question of product variation is acute… I paid attention to your plugin, but I’m not quite sure that it will fit me.
The screenshot shows that this variation includes the addition of ingredients and the addition of additional products, both of these points are highlighted in red!

Please tell me if it is possible to add a checkout field using your plugin (Variation Swatches For WooCommerce), i.e. so that you can add or remove ingredients to pizza.
And is it possible to add additional products using the plugin, also based on the checkout?

Example :
In the picture, the first highlighted block has default ingredients… I click on three of them in the product card and they somehow (no matter how it is already stylized) change the appearance (for example, the frame disappears, I click the frame again)
And the same principle for products is already the second block of the red block… I click on it and it somehow stands out (for example, a frame appears)

Is it possible to do this now ?
If not… is it planned to develop such functionality in the near future ?
