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PRE-SALES QUESTION – Swatch image size range

Paul Hayes

I have put the link to one of our product pages on your ‘site access’ area below.  If you need to look at other things on the site, you can go from the links on that page.  The link goes to the 1st page where we started working with variation swatches.  The plugin the developer started out using was just pulled from WordPress, so we are searching for another variation swatches plugin to use.

  1. What is the largest size (in pixels) the variation swatches can be?
  2. Can the swatches have rollover enlargement if the size is not adjustable?
  3. If not, can the swatch image be a different picture than the picture loaded on the page by clicking the swatch?  For example, on the page on the link below, can the swatch picture be a single bead the full size it is in the loaded image, but clicking that swatch of the single bead will load the full image of the beaded cable?

Please advise on these 2 things, other possible work-arounds you may suggest, and if whatever you recommend creates complications for the mobile rather than the desktop version of the website.

I have requested to join your Facebook group to ask these questions there but thought I would try here also.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Paul,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

What is the largest size (in pixels) the variation swatches can be?

You can set any size by using our swatches setting page. We recommend 100px though.

Swatches will adjust automatically based on the wrapper space. Please check this screenshot, I have configured the swatch’s width and height 200px.

Can the swatches have rollover enlargement if the size is not adjustable?

We have this option to display a swatch based on the variation image. You can check this screencast for more options related to Auto dropdown to image.

If not, can the swatch image be a different picture than the picture loaded on the page by clicking the swatch?  For example, on the page on the link below, can the swatch picture be a single bead the full size it is in the loaded image, but clicking that swatch of the single bead will load the full image of the beaded cable?

Please check this documentation for more clarification regarding image swatches.

Thank You